Tang Dynasty

518 C.E. - 907 C.E.

After 300 years of division and fragmentation following the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220 C.E.., China was once again unified under the Sui dynasty (581–618 C.E.). The political and governmental institutions established during this brief period lay the foundation for the growth and prosperity of the succeeding Tang dynasty. An imperial dynasty of China founded by the Li family, who seized power during the decline and collapse of the Sui Empire.
Marked by strong and benevolent rule, successful diplomatic relationships, economic expansion, and a cultural efflorescence of cosmopolitan style, Tang China emerged as one of the greatest empires in the medieval world. Merchants, clerics, and envoys from India, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Korea, and Japan thronged the streets of Chang'an, the capital, and foreign tongues were a common part of daily life.

In the beginning decades of the Tang, especially under the leadership of Emperor Taizong (r. 627–650 C.E.), China subdued its nomadic neighbors from the north and northwest, securing peace and safety on overland trade routes reaching as far as Syria and Rome. The seventh century was a time of momentous social change; the official examination system enabled educated men without family connections to serve as government officials.

This new social elite gradually replaced the old Aristocracy, and the recruitment of gentlemen from the south contributed to the cultural amalgamation that had already begun in the sixth century. briefly when Empress Wu Zetian seized the throne proclaiming the Second Zhou Dynasty (October 8, 690 – March 3, 705 C.E.) and becoming the only Chinese empress regent.

The eighth century heralded the second important epoch in Tang history, achieved largely during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong (r. 712–756 C.E.), called minghuang—the Brilliant Monarch. It is rightfully ranked as the classical period of Chinese art and literature, as it set the high standard to which later poets, painters, and sculptors aspired. The expressions and images contained in the poems of Li Bo (ca. 700–762 C.E.) and Du Fu (722–770 C.E.) reflect the flamboyant lives of the court and the conflicting sentiments generated by military campaigns. The vigorous brushwork of the court painter Wu Daozi (active ca. 710–760 C.E.) and the naturalist idiom of the poet and painter Wang Wei (699–759 C.E.) became artistic paradigms for later generations. Although the An Lushan rebellion in the middle of the century considerably weakened the power and authority of the court, the restored government ruled for another century and a half, providing stability for lasting cultural and artistic development.

630 C.E. Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas establishes the 1st Islamic Mosque of China in Guangzhou
622-623 C.E. Muhammad leaves Mecca arrives in Medina, beginning of the Islamic calendar.
648-684 C.E. First English poem written by Monk Caedmon

Dynasties:  Neolithic    Zhou    Han    Six Dynasties    Tang    Song    Yuan    Ming    Qing

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