"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for"  - Georgia O'Keeffe

If you are interested in meeting with us please contact us for an appointment.


Once you acquire a work we will help you properly frame and display your piece. Using our working relationships with framers in both the US and Europe we can assist you in selecting the correct frame to enhance your selection.

When geographically possible, we will assist you in hanging your new painting or displaying your sculpture or antiquity.

The placement and lighting of sculpture and Antiquities are as important as the frame on a painting; we will advise you on the placement and display of the work for optimum impact and enjoyment.


When you are ready to acquire a work of art, as a one-time purchase or part of a long-term collecting strategy, we help you make an informed decision.

Our goal is to provide a friendly and inviting approach to collecting with an emphasis on education and experimentation - juxtaposing antiquities, some dating back more than a thousand years, with original oil paintings and contemporary sculpture.


We provide an invaluable service to collectors - assisting them in identifying and evaluating potential acquisitions from the millions of pieces offered.

If you have an existing art collection we will help to tastefully integrate all existing art with any new acquisitions.

We believe strongly in re-arrangement. In a recently published article, we offered the following advice: "every so often move a few pieces of art to different locations in your home and see them again for the first time."  You'll be amazed when friends inquire about a "new piece" and you respond that you've had it for 20 years!