Alex Kveton

The only child of a builder and an amateur actress, Alex was privy to both, technical and artistic views of the world from the beginning of his life. As young as four years of age, he used to spend countless hours in his father’s shop drawing everything he saw around him. While his father taught Alex the ageless techniques of wood and metal craft, his mother opened his eyes to the possibilities of artistic imagination.

As a young adult Alex focused on acquiring a trade. At his father's advice, he enrolled into the Technical School of Machinery and Construction and later, following his inner calling, into the very selective and prestigious Prague Academy of Applied Art where he earned a Masters Degree in Sculpture and Industrial Design and perfected his understanding of materials and their applications. At the Academy, his appreciation for the potential of metal continued to grow.

The ageless beauty and serenity of Prague with its centuries old art and architecture fed Alex's imagination and pushed him toward a more artistic use of his design abilities. Alex started thinking about metal as a sculptural material, seeing it for its intrinsic beauty rather than pragmatic usage. Instead of more common casting and assembly of ready made parts, Alex preferred a more complex fabricating process, physically shaping and forming a sharp flat sheet of metal into sophisticated curvilinear form inspired by his imagination. To reflect a true poetry of the form, Alex oftentimes, enhanced the character of steel and bronze with magnificent patinas.

Having established himself as a mature sculptor in his native Czechoslovakia, Alex faced a life - changing dilemma - - remain in his communist homeland or leave the country in hope of finding the artistic freedom and future he craved.

In 1982 Alex left his homeland and traveled to Austria. After spending a year there, he came to United States. Upon his arrival, Alex settled in New York City where he immediately began a challenging and successful career at one of the leading art and architectural metal fabricators in the United States. Recently he has devoted himself entirely to creating sculpture.
For over thirty years, Alex has applied his knowledge, expertise, and talent to transforming vision into reality.

Bronze, the material used by sculptors for thousand of years, is his preferred medium which he enhances with patinas. He also likes to work with stainless steel, a beautiful contemporary metal with highly-mirrored surfaces. “Creating my sculptures brings an immense joy and contentment into my life,” says Alex,” I hope they would do the same for you for years to come.”

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